November 29, 2017

Wednesday Taunt XII

To those who participated, congratulations. To those who have departed, we salute you. To those who remain, we welcome you to the Top 20.

We lost a pair of Sinics and a couple of Dogs, as well as one Monarch, to drop our numbers by five; we reside at the 20 spot as we enter the Week of Marino.

Week 12 Stats
159 participants
2 undefeated
18 with one loss
139 deceased

Marino Week is always an excellent source of excellent as the cream truly begins to rise to the top. There is little time left, just five weeks until the playoffs - we will make it there? It is looking more and more likely, but in this crazy season of 2017, who knows for sure. The Reaper, so aggressive and unchecked early in the year, has quieted of late, so perhaps we will see the end of the regular season once again.

Onward we merrily roll into luck number thirteen.

That is all.

November 23, 2017

The Root of the Thanksgiving Taunt XI/XII

We are thankful for so many things on this fine Thanksgiving Holiday, the gift of life, the gift of freedom, the gift of living and breathing in this most excellent nation of ours. Of course, we had another gift given to all but two of us at some point over the past eleven weeks. Yes, my friends, it is . . . 

The Gift of Disappointment.

Only two participants can claim the ranks of the undefeated, Pigskin Fever and the Mad Dog's firstborn. We have only a quarter's worth of participants left -- twenty five for those keeping score at home.

The Chiefs did their dastardly disappearing act for the second time this season and the Reaper was there to lop off the unlucky heads. Eighteen went down to defeat for the second and final time, plus five previously unbeaten.

Week Eleven Stats
159 participants
2 undefeated
23 with one loss
134 deceased

There are three games on the docket today - maybe some takers, but I doubt much in the way of action on these three. Still, the Swami will lay down the pick for our clan's lone remaining living entry: the Factor carries the torch for us all. The Steelers it is in Week Twelve - if they win, we advance. If they lose, at least Packer Nation can celebrate a win again.

A Happy Thanksgiving to all and may this week's play bring enjoyment, not disappointment, to you all.

That is all.

November 18, 2017

The Root of the Week XI

There are many excellent things in this world associated with the number 43. I shall list a few for you - seven to be exact, and naturally of course, as seven is the sum of 4 and 3.

1) Richard Petty's car.
2) The world's number one Spanish liqueur. 
3) The battled-tested Glock.
4) The largest non-McNugget number.
5) The Princess 43.
6) Troy Polamalu's number*.

And last but certainly not least ...

7) The number of remaining participants in the Swami pool. Yes, we have 43 brave souls remaining - an astoundingly high number given the pace we were on but a couple weeks ago. And yet ... and yet ... here we are nonetheless.

There are still a handful of multiples alive, as well - that is to say, participants with multiple entries still alive. The Swami himself is one: Factor, Spawn, and Darth all still beat their hearts proudly and with all the passion they can muster up.

Still - it is difficult to win one's own pool and so it is time to take some calculated (read: wildly entertaining and likely to fail) chances. The Spawn has drawn the short stick.

Therefore, it is my pleasure and honor to announce that the selection for Week Eleven of the Spawn of Swami shall be . . . the mighty, mighty Cleveland Browns. Yes, you heard right - the Spawn is taking a flying leap off a very short cliff and banking on just that one win by Cleveland at home against the up and down Jags. Up and down, up and down, but the down would have to be DOWN for Spawn to stay alive.

Darth and the Factor will, in the meantime, stay the present competitive course: 'tis the Chiefs for them, along with many others. Most of the action is on Kansas City, along with a smattering of Saints, Chargers (?!), and Jaguars. Only the Spawn has taken the Browns - and I mean not just this week, but the entire season.

Are you not entertained?

That is all.

*You just did not know it due to his awesomely excessive hair.

November 17, 2017

Friday Taunt X

When the Browns went up 10-0 on the Lions this past weekend, a few poor souls texted me in a state of mini-panic. The Lions and Rams accounted for 95% of picks this weekend and a Cleveland win would've meant utter chaos and heavy devastation.

I was quite calm. It's Cleveland, I reminded them. Just take a deep breath and say the magic words: "Because Cleveland." Before long, all was right with the world again ... except in the Dawg-Pound, which has to live with this year-in and year-out.

Still, winless teams become dangerous as the season wears thin - at some point, a win is coming, and the athletes get more desperate the deeper we get into winter. So while Cleveland is still a very enticing opponent, be very wary when you choose to bet against them now. This has been a special message from the Swami.

Week 10 Stats
159 participants
7 undefeated at 10-0
36 with one loss at 9-1
0 week nine losers
116 defeated

Yes, no one lost. That's why this group is still around. #winners

That is all.


November 11, 2017

The Root of the Week X

With all possible apologies to Indiana Jones, whose first film Darth Bennett just watched for the first time this very weekend - his comment to the face melting was "get wrecked" - but "X" most certainly does mark the spot.

It marks our move into the tenth week of the Swami Pool, which means any team chosen from here on out is eliminated entirely from future selection - no more soup for you.

It marks our move into double digits, which should be a measure of pride for all those participants who have survived thus far - particularly in a crazy season like this one.

It marks the tip of the second half of the season, which as I have said really starts at the playoff delineation line, and for those lucky enough to experience it you are in for a treat - just the tip of the second half, just to see how it feels.

It marks the entrance to the catacombs for Indy on his Last Crusade.

It is my sincere hope that X does not also mark the spot in which a plethora of participants get eliminated because Cleveland decides it is time to win its annual game.

Lions and Rams and Panthers, oh my - the masses like the animals this week.

Mark the Swami and Clan down entirely on the Lions. Because, as you know, Cleveland.

That is all.

November 8, 2017

Wednesday Taunt IX

For those of you who still remain, forty-four to be exact, your exit nears as exits are wont to do as seasons come and go. We shed ten more souls this weekend following Seahawk-ian destruction, with a smattering of others.

Week Nine Stats
159 participants
7 undefeated at 9-0
36 with one loss at 8-1
12 week nine losers
116 defeated

We have now reached the double digit mark; for those unschooled, double digits means the playoff rule goes into effect. Any team previously selected (weeks 1-9) can be reused if we must go into the NFL playoffs to find our champion; any team selected from here on out is a one-and-done and cannot be reused down the road.

Onward we go to Week Ten. For all those who near the end of their road, the exit is coming up on the right.

That is all.

November 5, 2017

The Root of the Week IX

The prognostication is underway. The action has bounced around with several participants on the Vikings, Saints, Jaguars, Rams, and Eagles. After a "no-loss" Week Eight, we've got to get something successful out of this season.

The Swami has looked into his crystal and discovered all. The Swami and Spawn look to roll with the Chiefs, while the Factor and Darth are on board for the breeziest Brees in New Orleans.

That is all.

November 4, 2017

Saturday Taunt VIII

The old yin and yang of the NFL season, once again proving that the coin has two sides. Chaos and destruction rained down upon the participants in the first few weeks, but now the scythe has gone quite calm. In point of fact, there were NO losers in Week Eight.

The Bengals, Saints, Vikings, and a couple others came through to carry everyone to victory, and to a fun conversation about Week Nine - which looms.

We will see if the update carries with it any news in days to come.

That is all.