November 17, 2017

Friday Taunt X

When the Browns went up 10-0 on the Lions this past weekend, a few poor souls texted me in a state of mini-panic. The Lions and Rams accounted for 95% of picks this weekend and a Cleveland win would've meant utter chaos and heavy devastation.

I was quite calm. It's Cleveland, I reminded them. Just take a deep breath and say the magic words: "Because Cleveland." Before long, all was right with the world again ... except in the Dawg-Pound, which has to live with this year-in and year-out.

Still, winless teams become dangerous as the season wears thin - at some point, a win is coming, and the athletes get more desperate the deeper we get into winter. So while Cleveland is still a very enticing opponent, be very wary when you choose to bet against them now. This has been a special message from the Swami.

Week 10 Stats
159 participants
7 undefeated at 10-0
36 with one loss at 9-1
0 week nine losers
116 defeated

Yes, no one lost. That's why this group is still around. #winners

That is all.
