November 29, 2017

Wednesday Taunt XII

To those who participated, congratulations. To those who have departed, we salute you. To those who remain, we welcome you to the Top 20.

We lost a pair of Sinics and a couple of Dogs, as well as one Monarch, to drop our numbers by five; we reside at the 20 spot as we enter the Week of Marino.

Week 12 Stats
159 participants
2 undefeated
18 with one loss
139 deceased

Marino Week is always an excellent source of excellent as the cream truly begins to rise to the top. There is little time left, just five weeks until the playoffs - we will make it there? It is looking more and more likely, but in this crazy season of 2017, who knows for sure. The Reaper, so aggressive and unchecked early in the year, has quieted of late, so perhaps we will see the end of the regular season once again.

Onward we merrily roll into luck number thirteen.

That is all.