November 8, 2017

Wednesday Taunt IX

For those of you who still remain, forty-four to be exact, your exit nears as exits are wont to do as seasons come and go. We shed ten more souls this weekend following Seahawk-ian destruction, with a smattering of others.

Week Nine Stats
159 participants
7 undefeated at 9-0
36 with one loss at 8-1
12 week nine losers
116 defeated

We have now reached the double digit mark; for those unschooled, double digits means the playoff rule goes into effect. Any team previously selected (weeks 1-9) can be reused if we must go into the NFL playoffs to find our champion; any team selected from here on out is a one-and-done and cannot be reused down the road.

Onward we go to Week Ten. For all those who near the end of their road, the exit is coming up on the right.

That is all.