November 23, 2017

The Root of the Thanksgiving Taunt XI/XII

We are thankful for so many things on this fine Thanksgiving Holiday, the gift of life, the gift of freedom, the gift of living and breathing in this most excellent nation of ours. Of course, we had another gift given to all but two of us at some point over the past eleven weeks. Yes, my friends, it is . . . 

The Gift of Disappointment.

Only two participants can claim the ranks of the undefeated, Pigskin Fever and the Mad Dog's firstborn. We have only a quarter's worth of participants left -- twenty five for those keeping score at home.

The Chiefs did their dastardly disappearing act for the second time this season and the Reaper was there to lop off the unlucky heads. Eighteen went down to defeat for the second and final time, plus five previously unbeaten.

Week Eleven Stats
159 participants
2 undefeated
23 with one loss
134 deceased

There are three games on the docket today - maybe some takers, but I doubt much in the way of action on these three. Still, the Swami will lay down the pick for our clan's lone remaining living entry: the Factor carries the torch for us all. The Steelers it is in Week Twelve - if they win, we advance. If they lose, at least Packer Nation can celebrate a win again.

A Happy Thanksgiving to all and may this week's play bring enjoyment, not disappointment, to you all.

That is all.