September 6, 2013

The Night Before Football . . .

'Twas a Mile High beat down and all through the league,
not a GM was smiling, nor mildly pleased.
The touchdowns were hung on the scoreboard with care,
in hopes that good ratings still would be there.

The Ravens were nestled all snug in the past,
with visions of rings and Ray flags at half mast.
And Manning with Welker and Thomas and Ball,
settled right in to destroy one and all.

They spoke not a word, but went straight to their work,
and filled foes with all horror, like a VMA twerk.
And wagging his fingers with extra flair,
the Manning man laughed as Harbaugh pulled out hair.

He sprang to the sidelines, to his team gave a whistle,
and away they all flew like a synchronized missile.
But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he jogged out of sight,
"Happy Football to all, and to all a good-night."

'Tis all.