September 14, 2013

The Root of the Week II

The masses fall into two categories this good and glorious second week: those who have, and those who yet. Those who have are, not unsurprisingly, in the minority, and they are the ones sitting fat and fancy this weekend, free of heart and spirit, secure in the knowledge that they will move on to Week Three.

I am, of course, referring to those who took the Patriots on Thursday night.

There were a good many, and they sweated out a prime time nail-biter with Angry Tom and the Gang Green Genos, but ultimately prevailed --- and so they watch with gleeful amusement as the rest of the masses sweat out their own Week Two selections.

Which are rather varied, it seems.

We have the Bears, the Eagles, the Ravens, the Packers, the Bengals, the Vikings, the Saints, the Falcons, the Cardinals, and even the Raiders in on the action, with the Ravens getting the most action of the above bunch.

But like a herd of cattle crossing the Texas panhandle, pack mentality in spades, the heaviest flow of participants has migrated to old Reliant Stadium, and put their money on the solitary star. I will join them.

That is all.