September 18, 2013

Tuesday Taunt II

Bigg Doggs and Mad Dogs and Monkeys, oh my!

The Wicked Witches of the Western United States struck, and struck hard this past Sunday, and so at the hands of the Chargers and Cardinals fall the Eagles and Lions, and so in turn pass from our midst, like white mist from the mouth on a cold, cold night, the three participants known as Big Dogg 02, Mad Dog 03, and Monkey 01. Luckily, all three gentlemen have other lives remaining with which to haphazardly bet, throwing caution to the wind, and disregarding all Swami Rules.

For the uninitiated, let us rehash the Three Rules for Staying Alive in Suicide:

#01 - Do not pick a team to win on the road.
#02 - Do not pick a team to beat a team in its own division.
#03 - Do not pick a game in which the Chargers are playing, for or against, before Week 06.

All three of our deceased participants, who have tied together for 158th place, broke one of the above rules, and paid the ultimate price -- along with sixteen other unfortunate souls. 

Week Two Statistics
160 participants
113 undefeated
44 with one loss
3 deceased

Week Three is right around the corner. I expect there to be significant action on one game in particular, and while I am not one to usually fly with the flock, in this case it may very well be unavoidable. We shall see come the Root of the Week.

That is all.