September 25, 2010

The Root of the Week III

As Richard Jeni would say, the sports world is always looking for the Bigger, Better Deal. One such BBD craze, the latest to cycle 'round again despite its long history, is that of the Big Three, which is to say the stockpiling of superstars and the labeling of them as surefire winners. What began long ago in that wonderfully colored medium of the illustrated page has practically overtaken the basketball world; we saw it in Boston with Garnett, Pierce, and Allen in '08 and we saw it last summer in Miami with the King, D-Wade, and that other guy.

Suicide 2010 is no different, it seems, and fitting it is that in Week Three of our season, we find our steadfast participants dialing up their own version of a Big Three in Baltimore, New England, and Minnesota. Everyone and their mother is on one of these teams, truly -- my own mother emailed me her pick and she's on the Pats. Rasmussen currently estimates the Big Three will probably top 95% of the participant picks when all is said and done. Sure, we've got a smattering of Bengals, Eagles, Redskins, 49ers, and even a very bold Bears-lover, but these are few and far between.

There is no herd this week; there are three smaller spheres, and a great deal of overlap therein. Suicide is survival, however, and while I think anyone riding the Viking ship is destined for the halls of Valhalla, the Pats and Birds are both safe picks, and safety is the name of the game in the early going.

And so open here I fling the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, in there steps a stately raven of the saintly days of yore, and this raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling, on the morrow shall ease my sorrow, and take me straight into Week Four.

That is all.