September 13, 2010

. . . and the Battle Begins

“They pull a knife, you pull a gun. They put one of yours in the hospital, you put one of theirs in the morgue. That’s the Chicago way.”

So sayeth Malone, although he forgot to mention that, apparently, the Chicago way is also getting blessed by an official review ruling (either botched or bootleg, relative to perspective) on opening weekend, thus saving the lives of twenty-four pool participants. Continuing a pair of disconcerting trends from the last two seasons (1) a large group is fortuitously saved in the final seconds and (2) the Lions lose.

But I digress.

Suicide 2010 has kicked off and the results are in, excepting those twelve brave souls who elected to ride the Chargers to glory on Monday night. Brave, as these few have not heeded the warning words of history; the Bolts have been responsible for many a Suicide loss in recent years, particularly in the early weeks of a season. This, of course, without even considering their abysmal record of late on the road in Kansas City.

14 participants met their match this weekend, thanks to the 49ers, Browns, Falcons, Colts, and Cowboys. That’s 10% of the field, for those counting at home. Not exactly a bloodbath, but a decent start to the season. There are 143 entries signed up with just over 100 people pulling their strings, which is a 30% increase over last year.

The popular pick was the Titans, and with good reason, it seems, as 40 participants celebrated them running roughshod over the Raiders. It should be noted that Titans running back Chris Johnson broke a 60+ yard touchdown run in the game, leaving a trail of blackened silver in his wake; ironic, as Al Davis only drafts for speed.

And so, too, are we off and running, with only the wide open span of the NFL season before us. Each week will bring a direct-to-your-email update with each participant’s pick history, but consider this blog the mouthpiece of our pool: you can look here for the quickest updates, leave comments in the comments sections of the posts, and find each week the schedule for the coming weekend games, as well as some special other little tidbits over the course of the year. This is the inaugural year for the blog, and it should be fun.

That is all.