September 20, 2010

A Case of the Mondays II

"I'm sorry, but there has got to be some law."

As worthless as Jason Priestley was in Tombstone, the Cowboys of this Suicide season -- not the Cowboys of the classic film -- are worth even less. I am sure Ze German will wax his philosophic froth on the subject in coming days, but for now, our big participant killers in Week Two, accounting for almost 60% of the losses, were the Romo-led men of the Big D.

Quick Week Two Stats

91 undefeated at 2-0
35 with one loss
27 week two losers
8 dead at 0-2
5 undefeateds on the Saints
2 with one loss on the Saints
2 undefeateds on the 49ers by default*
2 late entries brings total to 143

The full update with pick history attached will come tomorrow. As always, check the blog for the quickest updates, and feel free to get involved and comment below the posts.

That is all.

*might change if they get me their pick in time