November 3, 2016

Thursday Taunt VIII

This photo comes out once per year. Those of you who have been with us for a few years know what it means, and from whence it came. The Reaper returned to the Swami Pool this past weekend, or more accurately this past Monday night, to reap and reap and reap those many, many souls who put themselves on Viking ships to sail across the sea. They did not reach their destination.

We lost 34 to their second and final loss, most of whom were on the Vikings. The Vikings actually took 41 down with them, many previously undefeated participants. The ranks have thinned.

Weekend Statistics
202 participants
30 undefeated at 8-0, of which Swami is one
51 with one loss
121 deceased, which includes the whole rest of the Swami clan

Week Eight was hateful, indeed.

That is all.