November 24, 2016

Wednesday Taunt XI

'Twas a slow week in Swami-ville. Week the Eleventh provided very little in the way of spark, and trudged its way to a very poor showing with only six participant passings -- shocking for such a late week in the season. We credit the Giants, Steelers, and Lions for winning against the dregs, and thank profusely the Chiefs for at least provided a little in the loss column.

The Twelfth Week is important, as well, because it means there are no more bye weeks. Bye weeks can make it tough, often times we get to the point where we've had enough, so it's time to see them out the door and that ain't no lie. Bye bye, byes.

It can seem, so deep into the year, that teams are beginning to lead you along like a boy band on strings, but that is not the case. If anything, you are more in control of your destiny now than you ever were before ... you know the teams, you've studied their strengths and weaknesses, you know the competition, you know the path before you, and you know exactly what you need to do. That, my friends, is an exciting place. Relish it.

Weekend Statistics
202 participants
18 undefeated at 11-0
44 with one loss, including yours truly
150 deceased

Blessings and thanks are now upon us. Enjoy your day with food and family and some small measure of football, and I will be back on the flip side to dialogue further.

That is all.