November 20, 2016

The Root of the Week XI

Ah, the osprey. A beautiful creature. Amazingly adaptable, as well; lives on every continent but Antarctica. I know this because Wikipedia told me so, and Wikipedia is never wrong.

Only nineteen participants have never been wrong this excellent NFL season. This number is likely to climb higher after the weekend. You see, while the Bears are atrocious this season and Cutler is likely not long for Chicago, the man does still have a little juice left -- and the Giants are not what I would call a dominant force to be reckoned with.

Therefore, the Upset Special of the Week is Bears 27, Giants 20. This would scythe many a fine participant, including a host of unbeatens.

Why the osprey, then, to start this post? Well, friends, in addition to being a bird with many habitats, the osprey is also a bird with many names. You will recognize one of these names quite well: seahawk.

Fitting, as Swami flies high with the Seahawks this weekend.

That is all.