November 1, 2015

The Root of the Week VIII

In looking at the emails this morning, it seems there was an issue with the Update Email this week. Apologies, apologies, I will send out an expedited update email this week so you all have information. If you did not receive this past week's email, let me know when you respond to this next one.

A season characterized by people moving in different directions sees another week of darts thrown on the football map. The Falcons, Rams, Cardinals, Texans, Chargers, and Panthers seem like the big plays of the week, with a small smattering of extras thrown in for good measure.

As for Darth Bennett, as he sits down to watch not football, but the latest episode of Rebels, he is feeling very jungle-ish, and seeks to ride the Bagheera wave into Week Nine. The black Panthers for the black Darth, and on we merrily roll.

That is all.