November 25, 2015

The Giving of Thanks Taunt XI

On this evening before we all settle in for the Giving of Thanks, when all tables are set for the feast and a cornucopia of riches surrounds, reflective thoughts bring to mind another cornucopia that is an apt metaphor for this most destructive of Swami Pool seasons.

Of course, I refer to the Hunger Games cornucopia, where all participants gather . . . and most never leave alive. So it has seemed this season, as we all flock to safe harbors only to find no safety nor security whatsoever. 

We are down to nine, nine brave souls who are the only participants left to give football thanks on Thursday's holiday. Like Katniss, they braved the cornucopia and left alive, if moderately scathed, and remain in the woods to fight another week. Nine, and nine only.

Three veterans dropped in Week 11, all three former medal-winners. A few veterans remain, along with some new blood, and we shall see whose blood stays within, and whose shall spill in the Week Before Marino Week.

Week 11 Stats
189 participants
9 with one loss
180 deceased
3 week 11 losers

Happy Thanksgiving to all participants, living and deceased, and may the weekend's non-football bring you much joy and merriment.

That is all.