November 8, 2015

The Root of the Week IX

We enter the Ninth Week.

The Ninth Week is a big week in the Suicide Pool, not your average everyday run of the mill Week the Seventh or Week the Eighth. Like the legion itself, the Ninth has significant gravitas and meaning, significant weight.

First, it must be mentioned that this is the final week to select teams that can be reused in the playoffs, should we get there. What was once (post the Week That Shall Not Be Named) a far-afield dream now inches closer to reality, and so the playoffs look to rear their head again.

Second, given that not many will select playoff possible teams henceforth this regular season, we once again enter the chaos that is the early double-digit weeks ... Weeks 10-13 have historically been the Reaper's stomping grounds. He has been active early this year, so perhaps he is fat and lazy at this point and will not get up off the couch, and the survival rate will be higher. Perhaps.

Many have already ensured their advancement via the Stripes on Thursday night, but the number is not as high as would be expected. Darth Bennett has not yet found success this week, and like many others who whisper words of hope on the winds, the young sith lord pins his hopes on the resurgent Brees in the Superdome. Others seem to favor the Jets, Panthers, Broncos, Falcons, and Patriots. Heavy hitters all, except the lowercase jets.

Let us hope none of us end up like the Legio Hispana.

That is all.