November 13, 2015

Friday Taunt IX

We bid adieu to Darth. There was no redemptive moment, no Emperor over the railing denouement (spoiler?). He has fallen, and for the final time. Is there a Ren in the audience to pick up the mantle? This remains to be seen.

Three undefeateds remain, only three as we hit the double-digit mark. There were 11 last year at this time, 30 the year before, and 10 the year before that. Strangely, despite the massive early devastation, we are clinging relatively close to the average. Not including 2013 -- which saw massive success and still had 93 participants at this point of the season -- there are usually around 50 souls still alive to see Week 10. This year there are 44, but only 3 with no losses (thanks primarily to the Week That Shall Not Be Named).

Week 09 Stats
189 participants
3 undefeated
41 with one loss
24 week nine losers

Reminder: any team selected henceforth is burned for the rest of the year, including playoffs. Any team previously selected cannot be used during the regular season, but may be reused in the playoffs.

And onward we merrily roll into Week 10.

That is all.