November 21, 2012

Tuesday Taunt XI

Not one loss this week. Not one. Like Neo of old, the bullet dodging was on an epic scale. The Cleveland Browns scattered buckshot, most of it connected, and yet still the Boys survived. Given the Root posting for this week, continuing the theme, I had an image of Ike Clanton galloping away as he lets fly his red sash.

The horsemen let you all go last week. Perhaps it was the upcoming holidays. Perhaps they wanted you all to feel good about Thanksgiving, maybe go out, eat some food, spend some money, etc.

The Swami knows better.

This is but a calm before the Week 12 storm. There are no easy picks, particular when you must consider the playoff implications. There will be no Neo there to stop the bullets for you. There will be blood this week, and I will drink your milkshake.

I drink it up.

That is all.