November 7, 2012

The Root of the Tuesday Taunt

Like a hand lifted to the heavens, and touched by divinity in response, the prayers of the masses were answered this week. A few tidbits before the normal course of dialogue begins:

1) No official Root last week, as Cheese State travels precluded a timely update. It happens, and on a week such as this, as you will see, it matters little.

2) I shall not wax political on this blog, but in short, good luck to us.

3) We now enter Week 10, which means, for those paying attention at home, any team selected from here on out may not be reused again in the playoffs, or any other time. As per the rules, any team used from Weeks 1-9 may be used again if, and only if, you make the playoffs post Week 17.

Now, the normal course . . . which I have decided will be brief this week, given the fact that there were, astoundingly, no losses. None. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

Not a soul suffered defeat in either Suicide or Second Life, despite the selection of ten different teams: the Texans, Packers, Seahawks, Ravens, Broncos, Lions, Bucs, Bears, Falcons, and yes, even the Chargers came home for the participants in Week 09.

Results like this past weekend's have been few and far between the past handful of years, given the growing and striking parity of the NFL, but every now and then the sun does break through the clouds to shine upon the dejected few who remain.

Will the sun still shine in Week Ten? Will the Reaper make his glorious return? Will the divine reach down to touch us all once more? These answers and more to come as we ascend the circular staircase, look down at the elaborate tile below, and mark the elusive spot with a great big "X".

That is all.