November 24, 2012

The Root of the Week XII

Ladies and gentlemen, I am feeling introspective, and I want to introspect.

If one was to wonder just why, oh why this season of Suicide has been so ridiculous, one could do much worse for oneself than to look upon the graphic provided above. It is quite clear that tremendous parity reigns in the NFL at present, which is why the past two seasons have seen such heartbreak and devastation.

For those who say to themselves, yes there is some parity in the NFL, but not really because New England and Pittsburgh have made the playoffs nearly every year for the past decade or longer, allow me to enlighten, and I will do so without bringing Jeff Goldblum's Ian Malcolm into the equation.

Fact: no matter how neutral something is, variations will exist. Flip a coin ten times. Eventually, either the first time or the 100th or the 1000th, eventually you will come up tails ten times in a row. Doesn't mean the coin is bad. Probabilities and statistics dictate that it will happen. New England and Pittsburgh are the variations. The Bills and Browns swing the variation pendulum back the other way. Everyone else lies somewhere in the middle, grinding it out.

Speaking of the Browns, I know the masses find no comfort in knowing, per the graphic above, that the Bengals are responsible for one of only two Cleveland wins in 2012. The Bengals, it seems, are highly regarded this week, Spawn included. The Broncos and Colts have a handful, as well, but the tiger in the grass is thought to be deadliest.

We shall see in what way the previous statement holds true.

That is all.