November 13, 2012

Tuesday Taunt X

I considered leading off with my old standby "Error 404" message, given my own technical issues with phone and computer this week, some of which are still ongoing. Unfortunate, but true. The Swami expects all will be well on the morrow, and so the official email update will not get out until Thursday night, sadly enough, but sadder still the moment will be for those who will be forced, upon its release, to relive the past weekend.

A tie is a loss in the Suicide Pool.

Let us flashback to Philadelphia 2009, when one not-so-young Donovan McNabb was quarterbacking the Iggles to glory and greatness---yeah, not so much. The last tie in the NFL sent a ripple through Suicide, as the language was not explicit enough and yours truly was pressed into fancy-foot-working and decision-making. All ended well, and well ended was the lack of clarity in the rules.

Which have since expressly stated that a tie is a loss, as several of you (read: 7 apx) most painfully discovered via the fools gold of the San Francisco 49ers. 

I will not mention the near devastation caused on Monday night, as it still pains me greatly with thoughts of what could have been with a meltdown of Steel. Several persons took their own pain to South Beach, as well---but the heavens know best how to salve my own pain sprung from a Beloved loss . . . and that is to take multiple participants down with them, both in the Suicide Pool and, most extraordinarily given the margin of victory, the Second Life. Even in defeat, my Beloveds make me proud.

That is all.