November 23, 2011

Tuesday Taunt XI

We have narrowed the field to the best of the best, the Top Twenty. Shack Mojo, Anonymous, and the Lebanator fall by the wayside for putting their money on the collective city of New York, leaving 20 participants in the battle of their lives.

Who will be crowned Suicide Champion 2011? When the dust settles and the sun sets on this schizophrenic season, we will have our answer.

Weekly Statistics

148 participants
20 with one loss
3 week eleven losers
128 deceased

On this wonderful week of the Giving of Thanks, I shall thank you all for joining our merry little pool, whether you lasted two weeks or twelve--or both, as in the case of Bro of Bea. While we likely will not get as deep into the season as in past years, this ride has been a virulent one. Here's to one final climb to the top of the roller coaster, one last breath before the plunge, and one final delirious drop.

That is all.