November 5, 2011

The Root of the Week IX

I believe it was the Butterfly who said, "They passed down all the roads long ago, and the Red Bull ran behind them and covered their footsteps."

I also believe that none of you will take from the above quote what I wish you to, instead wondering why the Swami is talking about energy drinks. You're wrong, of course, but then again, you've been wrong before.

Well, all but 18 of you.

And so we come to Week Nine, which is particularly important given it is followed by Week Ten, which triggers the playoff team selection clause in the rules. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you deserve the Red Bull.

Speaking of, the vast majority have placed their eggs in the basket of a very ornery beast. It is half-red, half-blue, and wholly unpredictable. I suppose it makes no difference that a Blue Bull is not a bull at all; it's an antelope, and therefore exists only as prey for larger animals. Additionally, several Texas ranches offer nilgai as the prey in sport hunting. Karl Rove shot one. Just sayin'.

Now that the majority feels better about their pick, who should the majority root against? The Boys, naturally, and as usual. The Pats, who got their groove back with a late flurry of picks. The Dirty Birds, who have yet to win a big game all year. Plus a smattering of others, too minor to mention.

Here's hoping you and yours don't end up Haggard by the sea.

That is all.