November 27, 2011

The Root of the Week XII

As we enter the twelfth round, which, while not our last, does feature twenty battered and bruised participants, it is natural that we ask ourselves the following question:

Who will be the best of the best?

El Hefe is the leader at this point, by virtue of a winning Thanksgiving Day pick. He awaits those who will join him in Week Thirteen.

As for the rest, the heavy plays are the Falcons and Bengals, while there is also action on the Steelers, Chargers, Panthers, and Ravens. These are your teams to root for and against; at this point, every loss matters a great deal. The stress must be killer.

I'll say this, you've worked very hard. All of you. You've grown, as athletes and individuals. You've learned a lot. We've all learned a lot. As Miss Wade would say; a teacher also learns from his students. Today, you have the chance to be the greatest Suicide Pool participants in the world. It's up to you. If you give everything you've got, everything, you'll be winners. That I promise you. You can be the best of the best. 

That is all.