November 16, 2011

Tuesday Taunt X

There were any number of ways to go with my post this week, this beautiful, glorious week of absolute destruction.

There was the obvious, listing percentages as I am apt to do. Perhaps I mention that 83% of the pool lost in Week 10, blowing the devastation of Week Five right out of the water. Perhaps I make some funny comment about Week 10 doubling down on Week Five, or something of the like. Perhaps.

There was the cheesy, perhaps alluding to Week 10 marking the spot. A photo of a treasure chest, perhaps, or Indy looking down on a tiled floor in the middle of an old library. Perhaps.

There was the boastful, perhaps letting slip the fact that one of the big winning picks this week was my Beloveds, maybe with a photograph of Manager Lou Brown saying, "Now this is what we call a win streak." This would have left me quite happy, but perhaps not been the best route given the streak stands at two after seven consecutive twelfth letters. Perhaps.

There was the sly, perhaps dropping a photo of a .44 magnum into the post and letting you figure it out, to the delight of the NRA and the horror of the Factor and the rest of the anti-gun lobby. Perhaps.

In the end, it was decided to go none of those routes, and to let the results speak for themselves for once. 

Weekly Statistics
148 participants
0 undefeated at 10-0
23 with one loss at 9-1
125 participants dead
44 week ten losers

It was brutal, carnage on a scale only the Swami knows and loves, and as the dust settles we find ourselves with no one left unscathed, and less than two dozen participants left. We enter the home stretch of the season unlikely to reach the playoffs, and with a sudden death mentality for all those who remain.

One loss and you're done.

That is all.