November 24, 2010

Tuesday Taunt XI

143 participants
18 players at 10-0
23 players with one loss
102 players dead
3 week eleven losers

Not much action this past weekend given the Texans snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, but as mentioned in the update email, in considering the results I recall the magical words of the immortal Vin Scully, he of the silver tongue and glorious anecdotes, in describing the Kirk Gibson '88 World Series home-run in the moments following the man crossing home plate, post-arm-pump:

"In a year that has been so improbable, the impossible has happened."

In Suicide Pool parlance, the impossible I reference is the winning in the same week of the Cowboys and Chargers, each of whom scored 35 points to beat an inferior opponent; more astounding even than that fact, however, is that the wins came with multiple participants riding the two teams, as well.

In related news, the devil just asked for a parka.

That is all.