November 7, 2010

The Root of the Week IX

"You know, it's an ugly business doing one's duty . . . but just occasionally it's a real pleasure."

This, of course, is not one of those occasional times, not when I must put my life in the hands of a major divisional foe of my beloved Fish. It's hard enough being in the best division in football; rooting for the enemy makes it harder.

But root I shall, for Tom Brady and his hair and Bill Belichick and his hoodie, and for Wes Welker who took his talents from his original South Beach home. I am not alone in this; there are several participants riding the New England bandwagon.

As for the rest of the bunch, the group has gone off in more different directions than a pikey rabbit with hounds in pursuit. The Jets, Packers, Vikings, Falcons, Giants, Steelers, Saints, and Bears all have play to some degree or another, with the dirty birds seeming to have the most followers. It probably means no major losses this week, but virtually assures, with as nuts as this season has been thus far, that at least a few will fall.

This week marks a milestone of sorts, as we pass the playoff barrier; starting next week, as you'll recall, the teams you select are done for good for the season, with no reuse-ability in the post-season. Most of you know, but some of you do not, and not from a lack of trying on my part. Let's all come together on this, shall we?

That is all.