November 20, 2010

The Root of the Week XI

indecision /in-deh-SIH-shun/ noun (1) reluctance or an inability to make up one's mind (2) doubt concerning two or more possible courses of action (3) the trait of irresolution, a lack of firmness of character or purpose (4) the state of being unsure of something.

Yes, my friends, these all apply to you; the first seven emails I received following the update email contained seven different selected teams.

Ravens. Bengals. Saints. Jets. Chargers. Steelers. Cowboys. Titans. Chiefs. Falcons. That's ten teams with more picks still to come, which means this week is positively schizophrenic.

And ballsy, too, it seems, what with the two biggest teams of the week, if there can be big teams with the action spread so thin, are the two indisputably most dangerous teams of 2010: the Bolts, lethally electric in all the wrong ways, and the Cowboys, laughably mired in what could be considered the worst season in the history of football.

I suppose, therefore, there is only one question left to ask: is your indecision final?

That is all.