November 17, 2010

Tuesday Taunt X

143 participants
18 undefeated
26 with one loss
99 dead

Yes, this is the Wednesday edition of the Tuesday Taunt. If you refer back to the rules and regulations, you'll note I reserve the right to occasionally stretch, when life and/or technology intervene.

As mentioned in the update email, more losses this week than expected (17) after the Bucs took down the woeful Panthers, who get my vote for worst team in the league. Moderate chaos -- at least, moderate by the standards of this season. Last year, I'd have been dancing a jig to get 17 participants dusted in just one weekend.

If you're wondering just what the picture of giant woman's waterfall horse hair has to do with football, the answer, of course, is absolutely nothing. 'Tis rare, but sometimes the well runs dry. As such, I google-imaged "great photo" and the top hit is presented for your view. I highly recommend the google image search function, as long as the Safe Search is strictly on. I like men as much as the next guy, but this is a family blog.

That is all.