September 21, 2016

Tuesday Taunt II (Wednesday Version)

We bid adieu to five special gentlemen, the first five, heretofore known as the Five Guys. Disclaimer: the excellent burger chain has not sponsored this post in any way, shape, or form, but if you know someone who owns a Five Guys franchise, I am happy to accept sponsorship.

We bid adieu to Lloyd Bridges (looks like he picked the wrong week to stop picking winners) and D-White 03 (just the bronze entry anyway) and Runs Like a Gurley (excellence in namesmanship does not always mean excellence in gamesmanship) and Amazingandre 05 (fifth-most amazing means uno dos, adios) and Bonanza (found a nice large stash of cubic zirconia).

Goodbye, gentlemen. Until next season.

As for the rest, we have found a good deal of success thus far: 148 souls still reside in the land of the unblemished. Only the aforementioned five have crossed over, leaving the remaining 49 living with one foot already in the frying pan. As always, when it comes to movie quotes and metaphors, watch me for the changes and try and keep up, ok?

On another topic, I have long considered adding a sixth rule to the Pool. Ultimately, there is no need, few follow the rules to begin with -- hence the usual devastation and chaos -- but still, I've got a piece to speak, and blow hot or cold I'm going to speak it. One of my own personal informal rules is, never ever never pick the Raiders to win.

And yet ... and yet ... few seem to share this rule.

Thirteen participants, including many a Swami-pool veteran, went with the Raiders this past weekend ... and lo and behold, the silver and black swept them away. Please tell me, at what point over the course of the last decade have the Raiders inspired even an ounce of confidence? I was shocked to see the Raider picks roll in, shocked to see there were double digit numbers, and then not surprised in the slightest to watch them derail. I'm still not adding this as an official rule, five seems a gloriously round number for rules, but feel free to remember this as as a sixth little unspoken rule.

To the statistics:

Weekend Stats - Week Two
202 participants
148 undefeated at 2-0
49 with one loss
30 week two losers
5 deceased via uno dos

Week Three awaits. Remember the rules. One last note: for those who have the Swami Hex upon them, I will extend this one time offer: put your support behind the Beloveds in Week Three, and the Hex shall be removed.

That is all.