September 24, 2016

The Root of the Week III

Ah, 'tis a glorious weekend, indeed.

Few are the spaces of calm one finds in this era in which we live, fewer and farther still between do such moments provide depth of quality thought or flashest of purest insight; it is for this reason specifically that such moments must be treasured.

I will treasure this moment, the calm before the Sunday storm, as we watch my Beloveds take center stage as the most popular selection in Week Three. What's more, the selection of the Beloveds does not break any rule, not one, and incurs no Hex ... quite the opposite in fact.

And so as Saturday comes to a close and the game in South Florida kicks off in just over ten hours, I will say thank you to those who put your faith in the Fish, thank you to those who honor the Beloveds this week, and that I, as well, and the whole of my clan will put ourselves on the line along with you.

Dolphins 31, Browns 16.

That is all.