September 13, 2016

Tuesday Taunt I

At this time I would like to introduce a very respected, very educated, very experienced participant in the Swami Pool ... myself. Allow myself to introduce myself, that I might once more shed some light on yonder poor, beleaguered heads. 

I know most of you survived this past weekend, and yet, was it really a victory? Christopher Guest just showed up to tell me he shaved one year of your life away, and for science, wants to know how it felt. Several prominent therapists and several successful cardiologists received calls on Monday morning, as the masses sought to calm the collective stress and anxiety produced by this most remarkable first Sunday of NFL play.

A quick detour into the land of definitions: 

near miss ... noun ... (1) a narrowly avoided collision or other accident; synonyms: close thing, near thing, narrow escape, close call, close shave, "two airliners were involved in a near miss yesterday" (2) a bomb or shot that just misses its target (3) when the Reaper's scythe sweeps overhead, but only clips a hair or two or three en route to a quiet first week.

It was a near miss of epic proportions this past weekend ... and the call was close specifically because you people did not follow the rules. The rules are there for your protection, to keep you safe, and yet like rebellious children you do not follow them. One last time, for the uninitiated:

Rule #1 - Don't pick a team on the road.
Rule #2 - Don't pick a team playing in its own division.
Rule #3 - Do not pick for or against the Chargers prior to Week Six.
Rule #4 - Do not use all multiple picks on the same team.
Rule #5 - Do not, not ever, pick against the Swami's Beloved Dolphins.

Adhere to the above rules without fail. Still, you did not. There were more than 110 Chiefs and Seahawks takers, all of whom needed an extra shot of booze during the day and an extra prozac that night, just to calm the craziness of those two games that were won by bare, barest of margins ... in games with picks that went expressly against the rules. There will be consequences. The Swami Hex is officially on 73 entries.

Quick Weekend Stats
199 participants
29 week one losers via the panthers, falcons, cowboys, colts, cardinals, rams
73 seahawks survivors with the swami hex now upon them
41 bold talkers of a road team in a division game, the chiefs

We currently sit at 199 entries (a new record) with a possible few more trickling in that I missed on the first pass at the spreadsheet. We will top 200 for the first time ever.

Onward we merrily roll as the Swami Suicide Pool of 2016 continues.

That is all.