September 7, 2014

The Root of the Week I

Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, compatriots, colleagues, competitors, and friends, I bid you welcome to another great and glorious year of the Suicide Pool.

It is customary at this time for the host, yours truly, to wax poetic on the wonders of football and the delights of gambling degeneration, the perils and pleasures of weekly team selection. And so allow myself to introduce myself, for I am that afore-mentioned host, the murderous, villainous, iniquitous Swami Me.

There are some of you who are new to the Pool, and thus have not had the benefit of my dialogue-ing ways, but let it be heard now that you shall come to know them. Oh yes, you shall.

For those who are new, there are two staples of the Suicide Pool blog: the Root of the Week and the Tuesday Taunt. In the former, the Swami lays down his weekly pick in advance of Sunday play, as well as the trending popular selections. In the latter, he taunts all those who perished the weekend prior. The Swami loves chaos, and relishes it.

Week One of 2014 lays down a few heavy favorites, bucking the trend of recent years which has seen the first week action all over the place, on multiple teams. The masses look to move one and all together, and lay their fates on the soaring Eagles and the vicious Bears. A few Chiefs, Saints, Steelers, etc, but mostly just the former pair.

As for the Swami himself, I will join the majority for this round in a manner unlike my usual, and Root for the beady-eyed but ultimately sharp-sighted visage of the mascot of this greatest nation. 

And so, without further ado, I declare this season of Suicide officially open.

That is all.