September 5, 2012

We Wait All Year for Sunday Night

My friends, my beautiful friends, friends of years, friends of tears, it has come upon us once again. The time has come, and the moment we have waited long, very sad months for has finally arrived---the return of the NFL Suicide Pool, and yours truly.

The excitement is potent, palatable, and pure as most participants look to salve the wounds of 2011 with triumph and glory in 2012, and as such once again we expect a record-breaking field when the dust settles post-Week One.

Let us dispense with the pleasantries, therefore, and get down to brass tax; when Faith dons the leather, you know she means business. For those with questions, and there are always quite a few, this post shall serve as a reference point for the Rules and Regulations of the 2012 Swami Suicide Pool.

NFL Suicide Pools have a simple premise: you pick the winner of one single NFL game each week (straight up, no point spreads) and if the team you choose wins their game, you advance to the next week. 

If your team loses, you take a loss, and in the Swami's Suicide Pool two losses eliminates you from competition. You may not pick the same team twice during the regular season (see below for special playoff rules). There are additional details, of course, which are outlined below, but the above is the general gist of things.

That's it, although you are still highly encouraged to read the following in-depth breakdown in its entirety, even those who are experienced Swami Suicide Pool veterans.

(1) Entries - Each participant may enter a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of five (5) entries.
(2) Picks - You pick the winner of a single NFL game each week. No point spreads are involved, which means you pick the straight-up winner. Please note that ties count as losses. Kindly email your weekly picks to
(3) Deadline -You must get your pick in by the start of your chosen team’s game (kick-off). If you neglect to send a pick in a given week, the default pick is the home team for the Monday night game. If you have already used that team, the Monday night visiting team is your selection. If you have already used both teams, you lose.
(4) Format - This is a double-elimination tournament; you are allowed one loss. Uno, dos, adios!
(5) Disputes - If rule clarifications or amendments are required mid-season (unlikely) or in the event of disputes (also unlikely), all decisions made by the Swami are final.
(6) Updates - An update email will be sent each week with the number of surviving players, the coming week's schedule of games, and pick selections from the previous weeks. The update will usually come on Tuesday, although the Swami reserves the right to stretch it later into the week, if needed. You can also check this blog for the update.
(7) Playoffs - The playoff structure for 2012 is identical to the 2011 and 2010 formats. Starting in Week Ten (10) of the regular season, any team chosen by a participant is NOT eligible to be selected in the playoffs, where the standard Suicide Rules will apply (i.e. you select one team to win per weekend playoff round). Teams chosen in Weeks One thru Nine (1-9) will be available to be re-selected in the playoffs.

Kindly address questions to the Swami at

And so I will leave you all for the time being, as we prepare for the first game of the season this very Wednesday night, when the New York Giants host the Dallas Cowboys and the 2012 campaign kicks off. You still have time to enter, of course; not a sole has picked the game, and it's unlikely anyone will. You have a few days left, to strategize, to theorize, to agonize, before the bell rings and the horses leave the gate.

Let the Swami ride again.

That is all.