September 19, 2012

Tuesday Taunt II

In a great show of compassion, I have delayed posting the results of this past weekend's action until this moment, to let some of the pain subside.

And, oh, what pain there was.

Like Camden of old, the revolutionaries took defeat resoundingly---64 souls perished on the Patriots in Week Two. Toss in a handful of Raiders, Vikings, Cowboys, and Redskins, and you have 70 participants set to see their shining lights with one more loss.

Six, sadly, are already bathing within it. We say goodbye to the Uno Dos, Adios crew of 2012: Mad Dog 02, J-Ro 01, J-Ro 04, Bubbas 02, Daddy's Long Legs, and Bennett, Not My Son. We bid you adieu.

The Swami himself was a casualty this week, though the Factor and the Spawn move on unscathed. So, too, were at least four recent winners of the Suicide Pool, all perishing at the shoelaces of Stephen Gostkowski. 

Weekend Results
135 participants
57 undefeateds
72 with one loss
6 deceased

Things just got real.

That is all.