September 11, 2012

The Return of the Tuesday Taunt

There are 32 professional football teams in the NFL. Half of 32 is 16. And 16 is the number of teams chosen by participants this past weekend, the opening frame, of the Suicide Pool.

Half the field of available options.

Does this speak to parity in the NFL? Distrust of rookie quarterbacks? Distrust of replacement officials? Is our collective mentally deficient? Are teams of monkeys throwing [censored] at a board, just to see what sticks?

In order of popularity: Texans, Bears, Lions, Eagles, Saints, Ravens, Patriots, Falcons, Jets, Vikings, 49ers, Cardinals, Steelers, Giants, Panthers, Seahawks. I'm not gonna lie, you people is nuts.

The lion roared well enough for the Swami this weekend, and the Spawn, and the Factor survived her ridiculous Vikings pick*, moving the whole cadre unscathed into Week Two. Joining us are 117 others, as we managed to avoid devastation ala Week One of 2011. In a shocking coincidence, not one person took Cleveland this year.

Weekly Statistics
134 participants
120 undefeateds
16 teams chosen
14 week one losers

We're off and running with Suicide 2012, with a total of 134 participants on the rolls. Who will be standing when the dust settles? Swami curses can't help, nor can mindless weekly selection, both of which I expect will accrue over the course.

That is all.

*It looked good on you, though, Mr. Dis.