September 28, 2011

Tuesday Taunt III

Week Three Statistics

148 participants
87 undefeated at 3-0
19 week three losers
5 participants dead

We did not see the kind of carnage this week that would traditionally accompany a Chargers-heavy selection load, which is disappointing. I shall take some solace, however, in knowing how mightily many of you were sweating in the fourth quarter of that contest, the mind running wild with thoughts of how the Chargers would "do it to you again" and blow a lead to a bad team on their home field.

It would have been glorious, truly.

Special props go to those who knew the risks, and still elected to give Norv's boys one more shot; Team Devastation, in particular, put a whole lot of eggs in one basket, a basket not known for its stability. Additional love and kudos to Brass Balls, who had a pair in picking the Raiders, as well as those select few who rode Cam Newton this week to the rookie's first win.

19 losses is not bad. Here's hoping Week Four is better.

That is all.