September 25, 2011

The Root of the Week III

Oh my, this could be good.

Right now, on the eve of our third week, considering the possibilities for tomorrow's carnage, it's like I'm in a glass case of emotion. I want to say something. I'm going to put it out there: if you like it, you can take it; if not, send it right back.

You people are all $&@%# nuts.

I have three rules in Suicide, as anyone who's entered the pool before knows: (1) do not pick a team to win on the road (2) do not pick a team to win against divisional foe (3) do not pick the Chargers to win before Week Seven.

Of these rules, #1 and #2 are really more like guidelines, as it would be nearly impossible to complete a season without breaking them. In fact, this week I'm breaking the first of those rules. But the one rule I've never broken, the one rule above all others which has proven true time and time again---and one good reason why I always make it past Week Six, at least---is #3. DO NOT PICK THE CHARGERS BEFORE WEEK SEVEN.

What's funny is that you all know this. You all know the Chargers begin every season 2-4, with at least one bad loss to one really bad team. Usually, the loss happens at home. And yet the vast majority has picked the Chargers this week, knowing full well the danger, even commenting pithily about nervousness and unease and uncertainly and doubt over the selection. The Bolts have KC at home, however, and should easily win.

Still, they won't.

The Chargers will lose and will take a massive chunk of people with them. Sure, there is action on the Pats, Steelers, Titans, and select others, but the Chargers have the lion's share---and it is my expectation that on the morrow, you Bolts-bearers will all be expressing your inner anguish through the majesty of song.

As for me, in an interesting coincidence, I'll repeat my pick from Week Three last year. Not because it makes for wonderful prose, the words of which I shall cut and paste below to plagiarize both myself and Poe, but because it makes decent sense, and there is no way in the name of whatever god it is you worship that my money will sit upon, beneath, or beside the Saint Diegoans prior to the passing of the sixth week.

"And so open here I fling the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, in there steps a raven of the saintly days of yore, and this raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling, on the morrow shall ease my sorrow, and take me straight into Week Four."

That is all.