September 11, 2011

The Root of the Week I

Hello, my beautiful people, my lovely degenerates, my faithful followers, and welcome once more to the hallowed halls of the Suicide Pool. It is time once again to sit and contemplate, now on the eve of battle, what it is that has brought us to this place, on this time, on this day, bearing witness to the beginning of a new season of glorious football chaos.

The answer is simple, of course: a new collective bargaining agreement. After months of great concern by the masses, many of whom emailed yours truly to voice and vent their concerns, we enter the new football season none the worse for wear---except Peyton Manning's neck, which has seen better days.

And in the grand tradition of the Suicide Pool, our first week is an all-out imbroglio: as many as thirteen teams have been selected by the masses, representing a full 40% of the league. We've got participants riding the fancies of the Texans, Browns, Cardinals, Chiefs, 49ers, Jets, Broncos, Eagles, Bills, and Ravens, with the first two the favorites of the bunch.

We've also got an already victorious Packer-backer, a series of those unwise enough to pick the Patriots of New Hoodie against my beloveds, and---most remarkably---a number of participants, some of them even some knowledgeable veterans, electing to roll the dice and ride the future Los Angeles Chargers. Clearly, such people do not pay attention, and do not know that the Chargers have been more responsible for Week One losses in the last five years than any other team. One of the unofficial Suicide Pool rules is actually "do not pick the Chargers before Week Six, since they are guaranteed to start the season 1-4". Good luck to you, people. By the by, for those wondering where the Swami allegiance lies, my own choice shall be the Birds of the Desert; the Kolb Bowl should make for some exciting viewing.

And so we have returned once more, myself as host of the Suicide Pool, you as its many loyal and degenerate participants and fans, and together we shall take our first steps down a familiar path---and yet the bends and twists of this coming season shall be new and exciting, and shall truly set the bar high.

And so, without further ado, I now declare this season officially open. Let's get ready to ruuuuuummmmbbbbblllleeeee . . . . .
That is all.