September 21, 2011

Tuesday Taunt II

Perhaps my exuberance last week was premature. It seems that a great many of you took last week's historic opening round losses to heart, and diligently studied up this week.

That, or the group got really, really lucky. You can't put your money on the Steelers, Packers, Lions, Jets, Redskins, Giants, Cowboys, Bills, Broncos, and Patriots, have all of them win, and not be either (1) savvy and smart or (2) lucky and dumb.

A little bit of both, I guess.

As I mentioned in the update email, those of you who are new to the Suicide game will come to learn that, after weekends of competition such as the one recently concluded, I don't exactly bound out of bed in the morning to craft the weekly update. When only 2% of the active field loses, it makes for little fun for me.

It is worth noting that the Suicide Pool did claim its first victim this week, and that for the first time, only one lone participant was tossed out after two weeks: Bro of the Bea 04, take a bow; you are the Suicide Pool's Mr. Irrelevant for 2011. For some reason, I don't think Bro will be complaining---he's got four other picks to worry about. If you know Bro, however, and some of you do, feel free to heckle to your heart's content.

Back to the rest of you. To help ease my unhappiness over the weekend results, a flashback to a kinder, gentler time. So, Mr. Owl, the wisest of us all, how many losses were there in this second week of Suicide?

A one . . .
A two-hoo . . .
A tha-three . . .

A three.

That is all.