December 15, 2010

Tuesday Taunt XIV

143 participants
9 undefeated
20 with one loss
114 deceased

In the immortal words of Matt Damon, "How do ya like 'dem apples?"

There is a saying, a very old saying tucked away in the depths of Suicide lore, that warns participants "never to choose against the beloveds, for therein lies your doom." I mention it here, only because the Fish have been responsible for many losses this season, and while I tend to warn people about it, few take such warnings seriously.

In any event, we have whittled the field down to less than 30 participants, only nine of whom are undefeated. It is a small but illustrious group that remains, and much like Ed Harris and Harry Shearer, I keep asking myself, how will it end?

That is all.