December 8, 2010

Tuesday Taunt XIII

143 participants
13 undefeated
20 with one loss
110 dead

This is the Taunt, after all, so why not lead with the sort of taunting the city of Los Angeles expects in the wake of Rivalry Week. I would be negligent not to, I feel, given that were the situations reversed, I would certainly hear it in the pithy email comments. I shall not hit it too hard, however, more like a 10-year-old at tee-ball practice, though Lord knows I could Pujols it were I so inclined. Perhaps, I'll just let the foregoing stand for itself.

The Chargers strike again in the Suicide Pool, notching another four on their belt of death. Really, shouldn't we just all come together on this and say the Chargers stand apart, never to be selected? Haven't they caused enough carnage? Although, if we did so, it begs an additional question: how would anyone actually lose?

The noose tightens. The pressure mounts. The playoffs near. We roll on.

That is all.