December 25, 2010

The Root of the Week XVI

It's a rare thing when I am afforded the opportunity to come on the blog, and in the process of posting my weekly Root, come to realize that a great many participants have already been ousted.

Thank you, Jay Feely.

I do find it a little sorrowful that such carnage comes on such a glorious day, and a very Merry Christmas to all of you; I hope your day, for those who perished, was not too tarnished. By the by, the level of Cowboys-wrought death is six, with two previously undefeateds -- including Ze German, and you may find irony therein to last several lifetimes.

For those who roll into Sunday with teams still to go, it seems the Eagles have picked up a number of rooters this week, which is strange given their expected eventual playoff success. Then we have a collection of Rams, Jags, Chiefs, and Chargers, plus one man alone on my beloveds this week (and an undefeated, no less). By the by, part two, at this point so late in the season, just to keep things wholly above board, it is worth noting that my wife is still in the pool (by the grace of some higher power) under the heading of The Factor, and her pick this week is the Texans on the road, to win. Good luck to her.

It seems we are carving the fat from our proverbial turkey in Week Sixteen. Will you be next?

That is all.