October 31, 2010

The Root of the Week VIII

I don't often drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Pacifico. So sayeth the Swami, arguably the most interesting man in the world, and so drinketh the Swami at the very moment of this posting.

My merry little band of drinking mates includes the Factor (pinot grigio), the Wench (two Peroni bottles and a dab of the pinot), and the Man of Wench (multiple Fire Rocks and a Peroni nightcap); 'tis a motley crew, but we are enjoying ourselves immensely. To all those enjoying their own bit of cocktailing on this Halloween eve, mind the Swami and the mothers of MADD, and be safe.

This week's root comes with so many reeling from a tough stretch of weeks, upsets and losses piling on top of upsets and losses. There will be few big upsets this week, not with the pool of teams so evenly dispersed: bad playing bad, good playing good, and the semi-disparities with favorites on the road, which means the participant masses are spreading themselves thin -- multiple selections on the Cowboys, Colts, Jets, Patriots, and Chiefs, plus an Oakland pick and a Redskins pick.

Which leaves the Swami.

Too many weeks this season have I caucused with the herd, too many weeks have I held close to the pack. It is time to strike out and seek new ground. It is time to be bold, and different, and a little bit wild. I will ride the arm of Sam Bradford into the Sunday sunset on the holiday of Halloween, and while scary, in the end the treat will be sweet.

That is all.