October 11, 2010

A Case of the Mondays V

"It's a cruel and random world, but the chaos is all so beautiful."

So says the alchemist Arakawa, crystallizing perhaps better than anyone outside the Swami what the Suicide Pool is, and was, and will be, although never more so than this past weekend, this most binary of Sundays, when history was made.

One need look no further than the image above to understand how devastating Week Five was, how much carnage was wrought by the Bengals and Saints and Chargers and Cowboys and Rams and Texans and Packers, and how beautiful the chaos truly was.

It was the single most death-laden week in Suicide pool history: 29 participants exited stage left with their second loss, never to return, while 32 others felt the sting of that first awful bite. For those keeping track, 47% of the active group of participants went down to defeat. The update coming on the morrow will expound upon these numbers and provide the snap-shot statistics, but for now it is enough to say that we are unlikely to see a week such as this for a long, long time.

Epic, truly epic.

That is all.