September 22, 2017

The Root of the Week III

An early Root this week, Week the Third, as Swami does not know what his wireless capabilities will be come Saturday night as he will be meditating in a hut in the middles of the Himalayas, looking for enlightenment and a small spec of a sense of what will transpire in weeks to come in this most excellent NFL 2017 season.

One thing to be banked on fully? New England will not lost two games in a row at home.

Do you think the Houston Texans are already game planning for Week Four, just because this weekend is likely to be such a catastrophe? Perhaps they think they would be better served preparing for Tennessee?

The Swami moves en masse on the Patriots -- Swami, Spawn, Lady Avery, Factor, and Darth -- and feels extremely happy to be advancing to Week Four.

That is all.