September 29, 2017

Friday Taunt III

There is no point to argue: the man is the GOAT. This is of course coming from an unabashed Marino lover; #13 is the best pure thrower of all-time, but cannot be the GOAT with the RINGS. Bradshaw, Montana, Elway, Manning, etc, etc, etc. If someone wants to make a strong case for Otto Graham, I'm all ears. But Brady is the GOAT - and I do not see anyone dethroning him. It's a very exclusive company that is allowed to call Tom Brady; as Kobe says, he'll pick up on the fifth ring. 

More magic in Foxboro as the masses avoid a massive scything; we still drop-kicked a fair number. Twenty-seven fell victim in Week Three to the Broncos, Panthers, Seahawks, Steelers, Ravens, and yes even my Beloveds felled a fair few.

Week Three Stats
159 participants
101 undefeated
47 with one loss
11 deceased

Week Four is right around the corner - a fair few have already advanced with a Thursday night Packers win. It is on the rest of us to join them.

That is all.