December 10, 2016

The Root of the Week XIV

'Tis an early Saturday post on this fine Saturday morning, as the Swami is out of commission this evening and away from any semblance of wi-fi. If I am eaten by an African rhebok and can no longer run the pool, I apologize. You'll be fine.

That strange feeling in your chest? It is pressure, the pressure that comes with surviving this long -- Week the Fourteenth -- and knowing that one false move ends the big dance. Only a few have the luxury of a spare loss waiting in the wings, the majority are dancing on just one leg.

There are no great choices. It seems Detroit will be a popular pick, at home this week, although it is a divisional game and the Barkley Bears have shown a little life of late. The Swami, however, will turn to Julio. When in doubt, Julio. What would Julio do? When life gives you lemons, Julio. Why did the chicken cross the road? Julio. How are babies made? Julio.

Julio is the answer to every question this week. The Dirty Birds for the road win.

That is all.