December 23, 2016

Friday Taunt XV

Every year, there is a cross check. This is when I go through the pool spreadsheet and double check for any errors, double ups, misprints, etc. I usually wait until there are less than 20 people in the pool, because honestly why worry about it until then, but courtesy of the Colts losing (not winning) in Week 14 and the efforts of Mr. Midnight Moons, and the fact that we still have 30+ people alive with only two weeks to go (which might be a record), the cross check has happened.

Some participants got blasted up against the boards.

Which is why, despite no losses in Week 15, we find a few of our fellow departed to bring our number down to 34. 34 brave souls remain. It would've been more had the Jags not choked away their almost-win, but such is the way of the pool this year. Too many near misses to count.

Weekend Statistics
202 participants
11 undefeated
23 with one loss, including Swami
168 deceased

The noose tightens. Onward we go.

That is all.